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In your scrub exhibits has to be a lot of water. When I’m thinking about scrub areas the first things in my mind is water and a lot of animals. Near water you could use a lot of different foliage in a lot of different colors. Also you can put more dirt around the water it will definitely looks nicer. I used the Boreal forest rocks, but also the Temperate forest or the Coastal rocks could be used in this biome. I also used a lot of foliage from a few different biomes. The most favorite are the Feathertop wiregrass (Scrub), Spinosa bush (Scrub), Daisies (Grassland), Billberry (Temperate forest) and the Fountain bamboo (Temperate forest). In scrub exhibits it’s very important to have much green trees because the environment will look a bit boring because of the color of the scrub biome. To make sure there’s enough green I used the Bur oak (Grassland), Birch tree (Grassland), Yellow fever acacia tree (Scrub) and a tree that isn’t that green, the Weeping myall (Scrub).
Article made by Mike Sterken on the 18th of July 2012.
I said earlier, when I’m thinking at a scrub exhibit I see a lot of animals around a big lake. It’s very simple to put a lot of animals in one scrub exhibit. Some great animals are the White Rhinos, the Gemsbok and Gerenuks. They fit perfectly in one exhibit with each other. Also the combinations Aardvarks with Meerkats and reptile houses with Komodo dragons and Galapagos Giant tortoises are really appreciated by guests.